Does Bubble Gum Have Xylitol?

Does Bubble Gum Have Xylitol?

does bubble gum have xylitol

Xylitol is a natural, low-calorie sugar alcohol derived from plants and fruits. Besides toothpaste, mouthwashes, and other oral care products, it’s also present in some candies and bubble gums as a sugar substitute due to its sweet taste.

Due to its low sugar content, many bubble gum brands use xylitol as a viable alternative to artificial sweeteners.

What Kind of Gum Has Xylitol?

Xylitol is typically found in sugar-free gums as it tastes like sugar but is a safer option with 40% fewer calories. It is known to promote dental health as it helps reduce and prevent dental caries and tooth decay, making it a healthy option over traditional chewing gums.

Not only that, but as a naturally sweetened gum additive, it has some other health benefits besides boosting oral health:

  • Xylitol’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties can help prevent ear infections.
  • It’s safe for people with diabetes due to its low sugar content, having little impact on blood sugar levels.
  • Xylitol can also reduce obesity ad constipation as it stimulates the digestive and immune systems.

However, not all sugarless gum brands have xylitol – it depends on the particular brand and product. Some of the most common brands containing it in their products include Trident, Orbit, Spry, and Epic.

The brand sold as PUR Gum contains the highest levels, with each aspartame-free and sugar-free piece containing 1.1 grams of the sweetener.

How Do I Know If My Gum Has Xylitol?

how do i know if my gum has xylitol

So, does bubble gum have xylitol? The answer to this is that not all sugar-free chewing gums have xylitol.

  • Reading the product labels should tell you whether your gum contains xylitol or not, although on small packages the tiny printing can be hard to read at times.
  • Some gums may not explicitly state xylitol in their list of ingredients.
  • If the label states natural flavors or sweetener, sugar-free, no sugar added, low sugar, and diabetic friendly, it might indicate the presence of xylitol in the gum.

Is Xylitol Gum Dangerous for Pets?

is xylitol gum dangerous for pets

Gums with xylitol are safe to consume for humans and most pets. However, this natural sweetener has proven to have detrimental effects on dogs. Humans and dogs metabolize xylitol differently, and the sugar alcohol can cause a toxic reaction in your canine companion.

When a dog eats a xylitol chewing gum, it’s rapidly absorbed into the animal’s bloodstream which then leads to the pancreas releasing large amounts of insulin.

This causes a profound drop in blood sugar levels, known as called hypoglycemia. Xylitol poisoning can prove to be life-threatening and lead to low blood sugar, seizures, or liver damage in dogs, ultimately resulting in death.

How Much Gum Is Toxic to Dogs?

Even small doses of xylitol may be fatal for dogs. Ingesting as little as >0.1 g/kg (grams per kilogram) of the compound might enhance the risk of hypoglycemia, whereas higher doses of about 0.25- 0.5 g/kg can cause acute liver failure.

Gum typically contains 0.2 to 1.0 grams of xylitol in a single piece which is enough to cause low blood sugar in small dogs weighing up to 20 lbs. Anything above that can result in a potentially lethal reaction like liver damage.

What Are the Signs of Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs?

As xylitol gets absorbed in the bloodstream quickly, you may notice symptoms of xylitol poisoning in as little as under an hour and that will require immediate treatment. However, the may not happen until 12- 24 hours have passed in some cases.

If you suspect your dog has ingested xylitol it’s critical to immediately transport it to a veterinary hospital for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis.

Xylitol poison symptoms

The most common symptoms of xylitol ingestion that become apparent due to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) include:

  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Stumbling or lack of coordination
  • Loss of consciousness or collapse
  • Coma

Does Xylitol Go Away After Chewing Gum?

does xylitol go away after chewing gum

According to research, a gum loses about 99.4% of its xylitol content after chewing it for 15 minutes, while the xylitol content becomes undetectable after chewing the gum for another 15 minutes.

Modified 11/24/2023: Change author title line from to type based on Pagespeed Insights accessability note regarding h5 out of sequence.

About the author

Daniel loves to eat snacks - and finds unique kinds of candy, treats, and food in general a fun topic to share. When not writing or volunteering, you can usually find him in the kitchen cooking up some delicious treats. He's fascinated with classic treats because of how each one has a different story behind it which makes them unique. Read more »